Our systematic approach towards couple therapy is defined on the lines of enhancing the communication between the partners, and establishing short term and long term goals, where both the partners would be given their own schedules of expectations to be fulfilled, effectively working towards improving the relationship. With the help of third and neutral perspective, we help bring in clarity in the relationship by clearly defining the mistakes each other have made, and where the overreaction caused the emotional outburst, which in turn, deepened the hole in the relationship.
We define the treatment path in couples therapy after patiently listening and carefully understanding the problems couple is facing. Our practical and scientific approach, while balancing and weighing the emotions at stake, helps us bring in the much needed transparency and attachment among the partners. It definitively helps in doing the right thing, and taking the right decision, not only for the relationship, but personally as well.
Post-divorce Recovery

Looking for help is sign of strength
Individual treatment is often termed as psychotherapy, and is meant to help people with their emotional issues, which can …

Get the most out of your work day
There are many emotional issues that find a corner in our heart, and refuse to die down. With time, these issues can transform …

Help your child find new friends
Anxiety is something that exists in everyone’s life to a certain extent, and in a way it is medically known to be helpful …